HIV/AIDS, water contamination, and lack of adequate nutrition run rampant in sub-Saharan Africa.

Having good health is foundational to a human being's ability to thrive and enjoy a full and productive life. This is why we prioritize community health in Fimpulu, and connecting clean water access to health, food security, and nutrition.

Community Water Access

Water is life! And shortage of good-quality water is a devastation to a community. Many villages in rural Zambia (Fimpulu among them) have suffered greatly for lack of clean, abundant water. Diarrhea-related deaths, food shortages during the dry season, and girls' truancy from school (due to the time-consuming work of hauling water) are some of the main negative impacts of this water crisis.

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What is Choshen doing?

In our immediate community of Fimpulu Center, we have been fortunate to pilot a community water system that includes a bore-hold and solar pump system, which fills two large tanks and sends water through a piped system directly to houses throughout the village. The impact has been tremendous in terms of improved health and time saved each day!

How can we support you?

While construction of this water system was a single event, we continue to work with the community on the relevant topics of water conservation, storage, system maintenance, and hygiene and sanitation.

This life-giving program was made possible through the generous support of a single donor who saw a need and chose to meet it in full. We are so grateful! However, there are many, many communities in the greater Fimpulu area who are still collecting water from shallow sink holes, puddles, and other sub-par sources. 

Give the gift of water to a community.